Sunday, July 11, 2010

It's monday in Korea!

I have always loved weekends...however, now that we are in the final stages of bringing Nora home the weekends are getting harder...but, the good thing is that it is monday in South Korea right now and Holt should be very busy arranging for babies to come home to their forever families this week. We are hoping that we will hear when Nora's visa physical is, after her physical, which is done by an Embassy doctor she will have her visa interview...once the visa has been issued we are just waiting for those two words.."TRAVEL CALL!" Emma will be joining us when we go to Korea and it looks like with the timing that she will be able to go to her overnight Summer Camp without it conflicting with our trip. I am so happy for her that she will be able to enjoy both experiences this summer.

Nora's carpet will be insalled this week and her bed is coming (we will have a twin bed set up in her room as well as a crib.) Babies sleep with their foster mom's on the floor in Korea so a crib might not be the happiest place for Nora in the beginning...I will post pics of her room soon...

We are so close!! I hope I can publish alot of good news this week~


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