Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Still here...
I think I am probably the only blogger that posts once a year! Life is so busy and very little time to post. I have a friend who is such a good blogger and I love to look at her posts that it got me motivated to post today.
In a few weeks Nora will turn 4 yrs old, it is unbelievable to me that she has been home with us for that long, does not seem possible. I remember so clearly sitting in this same spot at my computer addicted to refreshing my emails for updates on her in Korea and specifically for her travel call, I really never thought that phone would ring..it did on July 23rd.
Our lives have been very full, busy, hectic and so many ups and downs, I won't lie, there have been many days when our journey with her has not been easy, or predictable. We are pluggin along everyday, she is growing and healthy and learning to love us. Adoption is hard. period. When she is happy she is a joy, so funny and smart and loves to be silly...I hope we have more of those moments, and when we don't my hope is that I can comfort her through those difficult times. For an almost 4 year old she has been through so much and still grieves what she has lost.
My wish for Nora on her birthday this year, and every year, is peace...Peace in her heart that she is meant to be where she is, with us...peace that her heart can heal.
Happy Almost Birthday to Nora Eun-seo.
You are loved.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Happy Birthday to Nora!
I cannot believe it has been almost a year since I have posted to this blog...life is just so busy in our house that by the time I think about doing this I am ready for bed! I often look back and read what I have written and I am so glad that I documented Nora's first year with us...so, I am hoping to blog more often for her and for all ofus.
Nora turned 3 years old on friday, hard to believe. So many big changes for her lately, she started preschool and gymnastics and soccer all in the same week...we are seeing the after affects of all of those changes this week for sure. The first week of school she did so well, no tears, walked right in and gave me a hug...today was a different story..crying and screaming and kicking..more like the Nora that we KNOW!!! I am hoping that this is just a transitional phase and things will get easier for her. Cross your fingers and your toes.
Our lives are full and busy but good. Emma is a sophomore in highschool, Owen is in 7th grade and Declan is in 4th.. I still remember how little they were when we went through the homestudy process and now they are close to four years older, time really does it's best to make us feel old!!
Nora at 3:
knows all of her letters and numbers
sings Happy Birthday
dresses herself
loves to brush her teeth
gave up her crib...about two years ago!!
dives, jumps, swings, on anything and everything
loves Authur, Caillou (ick) and Peppa Pig
has a temper that is one of kind
LOVES dogs...
still hates to eat.
LOVES ice cream
Looking forward to a lovely fall in New England!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Last but not least...
Today we celebrated Declan's 9th Birthday...it was a beautiful fall day, almost more like summer with temps in the 80's! We decided to go for a walk in the resevoir that is literally just up the street from our house. Declan of course took his football, we took the dogs, Emma, and Nora with the stroller knowing that we would end up carrying her or chasing her the entire time. The foliage is not in full peak yet but it is hard not love New England on a day like today...so peaceful and picturesque (well, minus Nora's annoying habit of screeching everytime she sees a dog or wants to get out of the stroller.
We found a nice quiet place to sit by the water...did I mention this is a resevoir? Yes, so this water supplies drinking water for many surrounding areas...there are very strict rules about people, dogs, things NOT GOING IN THE WATER...well, I don't think I have to set up this story too much..you guessed it, Nora playing near the water ended up with Nora running into the water, sneakers, clothes and all...I literally ran in after her shoes and all...we were very thankful that the MDC police were not making rounds at the moment Nora decided to take a dip! The dogs were very jealous that they did not get a chance to break the rules today!
So, we took a sopping wet two year old back to the car, all of that swimming must of have worn her out because she fell asleep in her stroller on the way back...not much phases this child.
Getting ready to have cake with Gramma and Buddy and then our fall birthday fests are officially over...I guess it's time to think about Christmas!
Monday, October 3, 2011
So I have been really bad at keeping up with this blog...we have four fall birthdays in this family, three within days and weeks of one another and it is just an insane time of year...I actually prefer Christmas craziness! Our oldest Emma turned 14, Owen turned 11, Nora turned two and Declan turns 9 in one week...phewwww!!
I feel like we have been on a never ending roller coaster since Sept 1st, but we are slowly getting into a groove here. Once again I am amazed at how well my older children have adapted to so much change in their lives...as I am typing this the boys are taking Nora for a walk and selling pies for a school fundraiser ( I am getting more creative with how I incorporate some mommy time for me!!) They are such a big help to me and I am continually amazed at their patience and understanding on days when mine has all but run out.
Nora turned two on the 21st, we had a very small family celebration with her favorite ice cream cake and she seemed to love being the center of attention for the day (or every day for that matter...). We are still working on some very basic behaviors, she is still a non stop child, running, climbing, jumping, swinging...really, anything that she can figure out to do she will. I love this quality in her but it is downright exhausting on most days!!
I hope to be better in keeping up with the blog but in all honesty it is getting harder and harder to carve out the time...
Adding some pics of birthdays...Oh, Declan is going toa NY GIANTS football game for his birthday so he is one lucky boy!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
It's almost time for school...
can you hear the excitement in my voice?? Honestly, I have such mixed emotions as I am sure my kids do about starting back to school...This year I will have three at three different school, three different starting and stopping times, bus stop times, schedules..oh my..I hope I can keep my head on straight. This is a big year for E and O, freshman in highschool and starting middle school, I am looking forward to all the new opportunites that will be opened up for them but a part of me is sad that they are growing up, so fast..too fast.
I am going to miss watching Owen and Declan walk to the bus stop together every morning, they are so different,..we call them Felix and Oscar...but they watch out for one another, one runs and one walks to the bus stop, one with his hair combed perfectly, the other one barely dressed...this year they will all be on their own but hopefully they will always know the comfort in having a sibling to turn to.
Tomorrow we are going to head to the beach one last time to soak up what is left of summer...here's to a great year ahead.
Stay tuned for First Day Pictures!! I posted a few of my favorite First Day of School pictures over the years...sniff sniff.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Blog From The Eldest Daughter

When we met Nora, we were all so nervous. My Dad had foolishly worn a long sleeve jacket and long pants, and I had spilled on the dress I was supposed to wear, so I wore a different one. My dad and I sat on the hotel room bed watching the travel channel while my mom buzzed around the hotel room, cleaning and getting ready. At one point she made me go upstairs to the lobby to acquire some scissors to cut wrapping paper with. When the time came, we were so nervous. We climbed into the cab, and the drive seemed to take so long. I actually think it was only 15 min. But for us that seemed like a hour. The people on the street walked around, selling food and rushing to work. The building was small and squished between others, but that didn't matter it was our doorway to Nora, the pathway to what would soon be ours. Now, one year later, she is ours. Or, I should say....We are hers. We gave her a home, and she gave us laughter and the gift of patience. For years she was a name, a photo. We could say "one day Nora will be eating Easter dinner here" But she wasn't there. We couldn't stroke her hair or kiss her "boo boos" When she came to us, she completed us. Now she runs through the kitchen, her feet so loud you can hear them in the upstairs. You can hear her screaming for the dogs to come (probably so she can try to wrestle them) and you can hear her babbling on the phone to some poor telemarketer. We are family.
I love you Nora. You little troublemaker.
Friday, August 19, 2011
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